Your website should be delivering positive results month after month for your small business. But, how do you know if your website is adding value to your business? Do you have a website analytics tool installed on your website? If so, do you read any of the reports the analytics tool provides? When was the last time you read your reports and compared them to your business objectives?
If you have questions about the performance of your business website we are here to help. We can examine your website analytics to help you determine how well your website visitors are engaging with your content and your business. Many factors can effect the performance of your website and you need the right tools and information to determine the effectiveness of your website.
Web Analytics Tools
One of the most popular web analytics tools in use today is Google Analytics. This free website traffic measurement tool provides a wealth of information about the performance of a website. Among the items tracked in the tool are the locations of your visitors, how they arrived at your site, how many pages did they view etc. A deeper dive into Google Analytics can reveal positive actions taken by site visitors like lead forms submitted, mobile calls and chat requests.
By analyzing the data you will be better equipped to make decisions for your business including marketing decisions. Often a business owner may find opportunities for a new product or service based on the actions and types of visitors their website gathers. The possibilities are practically endless when you combine this data with your actual business data.
In addition to Google Analytics a business should have the Google Search Console and the Bing Webmaster Tools integrated with their website. These two tools will show you how the two major search engines view your website. You will be able to see several metrics on how the search engines view your website. For example, you may find that your site is not indexed well with one or both of the search engines. You will also be able to see keyword data as well as which pages of your site gets the most impressions in organic searches.

Website Structure and Content
Two factors that have a major impact on the success or failure of your website in the organic search results are structure and content. If your website is not properly structured and coded it will not be indexed well in the search engines. The fewer pages that are available in the search engine indexes the less website traffic you will have from organic search traffic.
A website with thin or irrelevant content will not perform well in the organic search results. You should have well written unique content for every product or service that your business offers. Your content should be easy to read on a desktop computer as well as a mobile device. Mobile internet traffic has surpassed desktop traffic which requires that your website be built on a mobile ready platform.
If you need help analyzing the current performance of your website and digital marketing activities give us a call at 903-705-1486. We can help you understand your current online marketing performance and make recommendations for improvement.